OC16 Large Business Consultant Certification
BG5 Business Institute is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.
At the end of this course, along with the completion and approval of 3 Semester Projects, you will be able to deliver Alpha One Large Business Leadership Analysis and ongoing consulting by becoming an officially certified OC16 Large Business Consultant.
This is one of the most profound, eye-opening and transformational courses you will ever take at the BG5 Business Institute. You will gain deep insights into how the world functions, how we communicate and how we can successfully work together as humanity moving forward into the future.
OC16 is the foundational structure of groups and organizations of 10 or more people. In this course we will explore the underlying mechanics of how conditioning operates in a broader context. We will break down the fundamental elements and lines of communication within larger groups and organizations. We will undercover the hidden mechanisms that controls humanity and how to use it in a positive and productive way.
Through this course you will understand how to engineer a larger group for success and
give the owner, leader or manager the executive playbook that will allow them to create an organization where people are inspired, motivated, fulfilled and excited to work together as family, with a future to provide valued products and services that support and empower humanity.
OC16 Large Business Consultant Certification Semester 1
WA Theoretics - Understanding Large Group Dynamics
In Semester 1 we will explore the trans-auric phenomenon known as the WA. Bees swarm, birds flock, fish school, and we as humans, Penta and WA.
Learn the underlying mechanism that brings us together as humans and the profound impact the WA has on how we operate in the world. You will discover the six different lines of communication that create the underlying structure and controlling mechanism of any group of 10 or more people. We will explore the underlying hidden dynamics of large groups, organizations, and businesses including…
• What OC16/WA is and how it operates.
• The Superior and Inferior Penta Dynamics (upper and lower management).
• In detail perspective of the six different Powerbases and lines of communication.
• The roles that each of us play within a large organization based on our design.
• And much more.
The Semester 1 Project requires observation of yourself, humanity and the impact these large group dynamics have on your life or what you see happening in the world.
Prerequisites: BG5 Certification Program - Semester 3
Required Materials: OC16 Student Manuals
Course Duration: 10 on-line classes per semester
Current Open Enrollment: Available here
Learning Outcomes: Available here
IACET CEUs Awarded Upon Successful Completion of Semester 1: 3.1 Units
Criteria for earning CEUs: Attend and participate in all 10 classes, complete all assignments within the timeframe, complete the semester project with instructor approval, complete payment for class and materials, review and sign the Student Integrity Agreement.
OC16 Large Business Certification Semester 2
Personal WA Dynamics & Gap Engineering in Large Group Dynamics
This semester starts with the practical application of how the WA Dynamics affect us on a personal level. We will dive into how to quickly recognize the WA influence in our charts, the roles we are designed to play, as well as what distracts us and throws us off track in the WA.
We will also look at how to build an effective OC16 from scratch starting with the Foundational Penta – growing through the Expansion Penta – to moving into the OC16 dynamic by adding the Coordinating Penta. We will explore the power of the Gap at each stage. Semester 2 will cover…
• How you are personally influenced and your role with the WA.
• Building a successful Foundation Penta.
• Utilizing an Expansion Penta to grow a business.
• How and when to shift the dynamics with the Coordinating Penta.
• Using Gapping within OC16 Pentas to create focus & productivity.
• And much more.
The Semester 2 Project requires observation of yourself and working with a team, group, organization leader or business owner in the first steps of large group consulting and engineering.
Prerequisites: BG5 Certification Program - Semester 3
Required Materials: OC16 Student Manuals
Course Duration: 10 on-line classes per semester
Current Open Enrollment: Available here
IACET CEUs Awarded Upon Successful Completion of Semester 2: 3.1 Units
Criteria for earning CEUs: Attend and participate in all 10 classes, complete all assignments within the timeframe, complete the semester project with instructor approval, complete payment for class and materials, review and sign the Student Integrity Agreement.
OC16 Large Business Certification Semester 3
Line of Communication & The Alpha Playbook in Large Group Dynamics
The final semester brings everything together and gives you the structure to deliver the Alpha Playbook to the owner, leader or manager of any large group and provide ongoing coaching, consulting and support.
The key is understanding the Alpha and how they are designed to lead, communicate and find allies within an OC16 structure. Semester 3 will cover…
• Building a relationship with Alpha to fully understand their hope, dreams and challenges.
• The 6 Lines of communication and their relationship to the Alpha.
• How the Alpha is designed to communicate in the most effective and efficient way.
• Helping the Alpha find committed allies to communicate their message.
• Creating specialized teams focused on specific communication.
• Creating the Alpha’s Playbook of Success.
The Semester 3 Final Project requires working with a team, group, organization leader or business owner in creating an Alpha Playbook based on the lines of communication and gapping. Once your Final Project is Approved you will be officially certified as a OC16 Large Organization Business Consultant.
Prerequisites: BG5 Certification Program - Semester 3
Required Materials: OC16 Student Manuals
Course Duration: 10 on-line classes per semester
Current Open Enrollment: Signup for these courses
IACET CEUs Awarded Upon Successful Completion of Semester 3: 3.5 Units
Criteria for earning CEUs: Attend and participate in all 10 classes, complete all assignments within the timeframe, complete the semester project with instructor approval, complete payment for class and materials, review and sign the Student Integrity Agreement.
Additional Course InformationThis course is taught online, therefore you will need access to the internet and a device that allows you to connect to the online classroom (Zoom). The classroom works with a smart phone, tablet or computer. The downloadable Zoom software is a requirement for your device.
Your instructor and course assistant (if applicable) will be available through your subscription once you are registered for the course. Other support questions can be sent to
office@bg5businessinstitute.com.You will find a link to the payment options: Current Open Enrollment:
Available hereFor translation options please contact
office@bg5businessinstitute.comPayment Policy Information can be
found here
Course Refund Policy available
Policy Disclosure: Independent contractors/Instructors are not allowed to use any products, instruments, devices or materials in a training that the independent contractor has proprietary or vested interest in.