BG5 Business Institute

BG5 Foundation Course - Semester 2

BG5 Foundation Course - Semester 2

Online Course

May 8, 2025 - July 10, 2025

Thursdays at Noon EST / 16:00 UTC

Early Bird price expires on May 1st, 2025 Save $50.00

$825.00 $875.00

Also available with a payment plan : 2 monthly payments of $437.50

Available also as part of the following packages

Michael Brown

Ana Sa

Georges Akiki


Semester 2 - Your Creative Operating Style

Fulfillment in our life, career, and business is the result of utilizing our natural creative gifts and talents to make a unique contribution to the world.

During Semester 2 we’ll discover the nuances of how to empower and validate these gifts in satisfying and successful ways to more fully express your professional role in life through your Life Purpose.

The areas that we’ll explore, as well as practice synthesizing, are:

  • 3 Important Themes - In working with others.
  • 36 Strengths and Contributions - The gifts we bring to the world.
  • 64 Traits of Human Potential - The unique expression of your gifts.
  • 6 Qualities of a Trait Imprint - The deeper nuances of your talents.
  • 12 Public Roles - The expressions of Life Purpose and your role in life.

Additional Course Information:

Semester 2 Learning Outcomes

Semester 2 CEUs: Upon successful completion of this semester, you will qualify to receive 3.3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Criteria for earning CEUs: Attend and participate in all 10 classes, complete all assignments within the timeframe, complete the semester project with instructor approval, complete payment for class and materials, review and sign the Student Integrity Agreement.

Audit Price- Please inquire at

Translation Options: Please inquire at

Course Refund Policy

Semester 2 Project:

If you were going to tell someone about your unique career design how would you put all this information together?
If you were going to tell someone about their unique career design how would you put all this information together?

Your Semester 2 project is to synthesize TWO BG5 Career Design Charts.
1. Your Own Personal Chart
2. A chart of another person. This can be a fellow classmate, a significant person in your life or a public figure.
*Include an image of both charts at the top of your one document.

For your Semester 2 Project please turn in the following:

❑ PART 1: Image of YOUR BG5 Career Design Chart a list of all YOUR keynotes.
❑ PART 2: Synthesis paragraphs of the Keynotes listed for YOUR chart.
❑ PART 3: Image of another person's BG5 Career Design Chart and a list of all their keynotes.
❑ PART 4: Synthesis paragraphs of the Keynotes listed for their chart.
❑ PART 5: Personal Observations & Discoveries

You can only upload one document. If you have multiple documents please zip them all together and upload the zipped file.

Part 1 & 3: List the keynotes of the your Career Design and another person's Career Design that we covered this semester.

Include the following:

Career Type
Decision Making Strategy
Key Indicators
Shadows/Wisdom Potential
General Thematics
Public Role
Bonus (you can include traits if you wish but it is not required)

Part 2 & 4: Tie together and synthesize ALL the keynotes listed by writing several paragraphs about your unique Career Design and another person's Career Design. Be sure to include ALL the keynotes. 

Part 5: What did you learn and discover in doing this project? What were your personal observations and discoveries?

DUE: 6 weeks after the last class

Upload one document or Zipped File below....

*** Use the Foundation Semester 2 Project Worksheet in the course downloads to complete your semester project.

Pre-Requisite: BG5 Foundation Course Semester 1 

Agree to: 

Required Materials: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu

Note: Please be aware that late registration students may be added to the course. 

The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu

The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation, by Lynda Bunnell and Ra Uru Hu

To purchase click here.

To purchase in Romanian click here.

To purchase in Italian click here. Per comprare il libro in italiano Clicca qui.

Early Bird price expires on May 1st, 2025 Save $50.00

$825.00 $875.00