Online Course
May 5, 2025 - July 7, 2025
Mondays 16:00 CET / 14:00 UTC
Early Bird Price Expires April 28, 2025 - 1 week before class starts Save $200.00
Also available with a payment plan : 3 monthly payments of $667.00
Available also as part of the following packages
OC16 Large Business Certification Semester 2
Personal WA Dynamics & Gap Engineering in Large Group Dynamics
This semester starts with the practical application of how the WA Dynamics affect us on a personal level. We will dive into how to quickly recognize the WA influence in our charts, the roles we are designed to play, as well as what distracts us and throws us off track in the WA.
We will also look at how to build an effective OC16 from scratch starting with the Foundational Penta – growing through the Expansion Penta – to moving into the OC16 dynamic by adding the Coordinating Penta. We will explore the power of the Gap at each stage. Semester 2 will cover:
The Semester 2 Project requires observation of yourself and working with a team, group, organization leader or business owner in the first steps of large group consulting and engineering.
Additional Course Information:
Semester 2 Learning Outcomes
Semester 2 CEUs: Upon successful completion of this semester, you will qualify to receive 3.1 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
Criteria for earning CEUs: Attend and participate in all 10 classes, complete all assignments within the timeframe, complete the semester project with instructor approval, complete payment for class and materials, review and sign the Student Integrity Agreement.
Audit Price: Please inquire at
Translation Options: Please inquire at
There are two parts required for the Semester 2 Project.
Part 1: Personal WA Dynamics
Write up the Personal WA Dynamics for yourself personally or for the Alpha you are working with (or both)
(See Example Projects in the Course Resources and review classes 1-3)
Please write up how you are affected and what your role is in each of the six OC16 Departments.
Part 2: Gap Engineering
Answer the first key steps in Engineering (See Example Projects in the Course Resources)
Must agree to the BG5 Integrity Agreement:
Note: Please be aware that late registration students may be added to the course.
Early Bird Price Expires April 28, 2025 - 1 week before class starts Save $200.00