BG5 Business Institute

BG5 Career Design Full Analysis Toolkit

BG5 Career Design Full Analysis Toolkit

Digital Resource

The BG5 Career Design Full Analysis Toolkit is an invaluable resource - supporting you as a BG5 Consultant to quickly and easily put together career and business information for your client. NOTE: This Toolkit does NOT include the BG5 Career Design Overview Slides (Success Codes 1-6). The BG5 Career Design Overview Toolkit is sold separately.

Featured in the BG5 Career & Business Professional Toolkits category


Available also as part of the following packages

The BG5 Career Design Full Analysis Toolkit allows you to quickly and easily pull information together for a BG5 Career Design Full Analysis, Alpha One Leadership Analysis or ongoing coaching and consulting. It is designed to take the guess work out of putting together the information for your client - so you can focus your time on your client instead of trying to create a presentation.

In the Toolkit you will find PowerPoint Slide Decks, Cheat Sheets, video training, instruction and more. It is constantly evolving and being updated. New videos, cheat sheets and other resources will be added as they are developed.

This toolkit does NOT include the BG5 Career Design Overview Slides (Success Codes 1-6). The BG5 Career Design Overview Toolkit is sold separately.

The BG5 Career Design Analysis Toolkit (Success Code 7-16) includes...

  1. Outline PowerPoint for the BG5 Career Design Full Analysis with introductions to each Success Code
  2. PowerPoint Tips and Tricks video training on how to easily put together your PowerPoint Presentations
  3. Resource Slides for the Healthy and Unhealthy aspects of each of the 9 Functions
  4. The 12 Business Skills and Attributes Cheat Sheet and Slides
  5. Resource Slides for all the Shadows & Distractions and Cheat Sheet Shadow Nuance Guidelines
    - as well as a Bonus Class recording and handout, an Advanced Training on Deeper Shadow Nuance
  6. Resource Slides for all the 12 Public Roles and different ways to present the Public Role and Profiling Grid Cheat Sheet
    - as well as a Bonus Class recording and handout, an Advanced Training on the Public Role Profiling Grid
  7. Resource Slides for all 192 Potential Life Work Themes
  8. Resource Slides for the 3 General Thematics and paragraphs for all 36 Strengths
  9. Resource Slides for all 64 Traits including all 384 Qualities
    - as well as a Bonus Class recording and handout, an Advanced Training on all 13 Life Aspects (Planets)
  10. Updated OC16 Spreadsheet including the OC16 Role of each Trait
  11. Additional Training Videos and resources to support you as a BG5 Consultant

Prerequisite: You must be enrolled in BG5 Certification Semester 2 at minimum to purchase this toolkit.

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