BG5 Business Institute

BG5 Live – Episode 8 – Connecting with your Design in Difficult times - Replay

BG5 Live – Episode 8 – Connecting with your Design in Difficult times

Hosts: Mike Brown & Vanessa Naja

In this Episode of BG5 Live, we lightly explore the art of understanding how to interpret the Daily Transits and how it may affect you.

In the latest Cosmic Weather pattern update, Vanessa helped us understand what to watch for in the upcoming Traits 62 (Details) and 56 (Stimulation) transits.

Hint: During the second week of July, you can be on the lookout for a mental drive to focus on making sense of the various details of your life.

On July 18, our focus can switch to telling stories with the goal of emotionally stimulating others. We then got to sit back and listen to Vanessa share her profoundly emotional experience of weathering Hurricane Beryl as it moved through her Island home of Grenada in early July.

What made it so interesting for our BG5/Human Design listeners was that she focused on her Design and which parts were being activated.

This is an excellent example of Living Your Design.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Mike Brown & Vanessa Naja

Join us live for our next episode on July 23rd / 9a PST

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