BG5® Success Code – Revealing Our Hidden Potential
Are you new to BG5? Your path begins with a growing awareness of your body’s sophisticated, heightened intelligence, and a deep trust in this intelligence to be your compass through life. By fully trusting your own ability to navigate life, you’ll become more accepting of yourself, and able to genuinely love yourself – and others.
The BG5® Career and Business System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science
The easiest way to describe the BG5® Career and Business System is to say that it’s like a cross between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (your personality) and the Genotype (your genetic identity).
We all have psychological preferences in terms of how we perceive the world and make decisions, as well as a specific way that our genetics operate, that make each of us unique. We’ve found through empirical testing that the BG5® Success Code is an accurate coding and synthesis of both our conscious (Personality) and unconscious (DNA) levels. Your BG5® Success Code removes the mystery of why certain things in your life work the way they do, and why some things don’t work the way you think they should. It gives you objective genetic information about who you are designed to be.
The BG5® Design System is the career and business methodology of The Science of Differentiation.
This revolutionary science was developed by Ra Uru Hu, who then embarked on a 25 year journey to refine and experiment with this information, out in the real world, in order to prove its empirical validity. He worked with many in the scientific field who were so impressed by this science that they too incorporated it into their life’s work, and dedicated themselves to validating its accuracy.
Contrary to what society has taught us, each of us is meant to be different from everyone else.
Now we can see and capitalize on those differences. We’re happiest and the most satisfied when our inherent gifts and talents are expressed in our own unique way. Understanding this can lift a great weight from our shoulders. How often have we compared ourselves to someone else? How often as children were we compared to someone else by a parent, teacher or peer? Comparing ourselves to others creates an impression within that it’s not okay to be who we are. When we add that to the conditioning of our early years, we find ourselves trying to change or adapt how we act to suit others, which further distances us from the person we were born to be.
8 Million People Have Tried It; Could It Work for You?
The Science of Differentiation and the methodology behind The BG5® Success Code is complex, and includes components of ancient wisdom systems and Physics.
Over the last 75 years, the mathematical correlation between the structure of the hexagrams of the I’Ching and the structure of our Genetic Code has been documented. This correlation defines both the fundamental abstract and physical components of a human being. In addition, a particle called the Neutrino, which is the least understood sub-atomic particle that Physics now knows to exist, and the Magnetic Monopole, the mechanics of which have been recently demonstrated through scientific experimentation, each play a significant role. We now have proof of, and a deeper understanding of, two of the prime conditioning factors of our mental and physical consciousness.
The scientific community has already made great strides defining what the Science of Differentiation terms “genetic continuity,” or the relationship of each aspect of our mental and physical consciousness to the overall totality of who we each uniquely are.
Science has discovered correlations between our nervous system and our brain; between our emotions and our intelligence; and even between our own energy field and the overall field of energy around us. New research has also led to a critical revaluation of ancient wisdoms long ignored or rejected because of their assumed incompatibility with science. And there’s a new movement in the world bringing together individuals of different nationalities, professions, and philosophical or spiritual preferences, who share in the view that there’s a fundamental unity underlying all of humanity and the world.
The Science of Differentiation is at the forefront in providing a revolutionary view of how to work with this synthesis of old and new in a practical and timely way.
And most importantly, based on its findings, we now have over 28 years of empirical evidence, and a statistical database gathered through surveying almost 8 million individuals.
There are many types of Personality tests available that require you to answer a long series of questions. The answers to these questions are subjective, and can be skewed consciously or unconsciously depending on the test taker. And there is genetic testing available that can only be interpreted by the scientific or medical community – and only within a narrow context. The Science of Differentiation has broken free from both of these molds. To determine your BG5™ Success Code we ask you only one question – what is the date, time and place you were born.
These 3 facts give us the necessary coordinates to determine your BG5® Success Code. Working with this method for almost 3 decades now, we have found that it gives us objective and accurate information that details who you were born to be, both at a conscious and an unconscious level. This is a revolutionary methodology. Never before have we been able to see someone so clearly and precisely at both of these levels. And from this method, based on years of experience and refinement, we’ve developed practical tools that you can use everyday in your life, your relationships and your career.
The Science of Differentiation, and the BG5® Success Code, has yet to be proven in a laboratory, but we now have almost 3 decades of experimentation, with a lot that science has already correlated, and a lot more yet to be revealed. Sometimes there are concepts that just have to be taken on faith, and can’t be proven by anyone other than yourself. Take the examples of Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison – where did their genius come from, and how did they know what they knew was true before it was proven?
We aren’t asking you to believe us. We’re simply making available to you a methodology we now have so much experience with, that we’re confident you too will find it beneficial for your life.
Ready to get started? Here are some options:
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Understanding your BG5 Career Design
The BG5 Business Institute’s mission is to empower people to recognize and use their unique gifts and talents in their careers and their lives. We spend a third of our lives working, and it’s important that we learn how to find true satisfaction and success in our careers and businesses. BG5 Career & Business Consultants are trained to provide a specific set of tools to guide individuals to find their true work and material abundance, and to help businesses create financial success in an environment that is satisfying for employees and management alike.
There are many different levels to BG5™ Career Design Analysis that cover individuals, solo enterprises, partnerships, small businesses, and large businesses and groups. The primary component is the BG5™ Success Code, which is unique and specific to each individual. Based on a revolutionary and proprietary mapping software, The BG5™ Success Code defines a variety of key areas that serve the individual in search of a career, as well as businesses in search of the perfect employees, management and executive staff to fit their needs. If you’d like to learn more about what goes into a BG5™ Career Design Analysis utilizing the BG5™ Success Code, please continue reading.
Career TypeYour Career Type shows you how you’re designed to express yourself in business world. Understanding your Type allows you to live out the purpose of your unique Career Design, and work with it rather than resist it.
While there are millions of variations of Career Designs, these are the core Career Types. Each of us is one of these Career Types, and your Type stays the same throughout your entire life.
Initiator* When they have freedom to create, Initiator's bring originality and inspiration forward.
Express Builder* When their work is satisfying, Express Builders quickly and efficiently bring an inspiration into reality.
Classic Builder* When their work is satisfying, Classic Builders perfect and sustain the process of bringing inspiration into form.
Advisor* When recognized, Advisors excel at organizing and leading individuals, groups and systems.
Evaluator* When in the right environment, Evaluators provide an objective assessment of people, communities and businesses.
Personal InteractionHow are you here to express yourself in the world? Your Personal Interaction is a function of your Career Type. It’s the mechanism that allows you to contribute your energy in a productive and unique way to the world around you.
Decision Making StrategyHow do you make decisions that work for you? Your Decision Making Strategy is your best way to make trustworthy decisions that will lead you correctly down your unique path through the business world.
Key IndicatorsAre your decisions allowing you to express your unique gifts? Your Key Indicators are simple but profound signposts that alert you to whether or not you are staying on track.
AssimilationHow do you understand what you’re taking in from the world around you? You’re designed to digest and process information in a specific way. You need to be able to integrate what goes on around you in your own way, so that your unique gifts can be utilized.
Environment StyleWhat settings do you operate best in? The environment in which you work also supports your success. You may work best in one particular type of environment or multiple types of environments.
Business SkillsWhat talents do you bring to the table? There are 12 Business Skills in the BG5™ Success Code that are the most important for any career or business endeavor. You have a specific skill set that you bring to the work you do.
Team and Small Business AttributesWhat is your role in a group? These 12 Business Skills also operate in a specific way when you’re in a working group or small business. The BG5™ Success Code provides an in-depth and detailed map that demonstrates what you bring to the group, and what may be missing from the mix.
The Nine FunctionsHow do you Function best in the workplace? There are Nine basic Functions within The BG5™ Success Code. Each one does a different job, and provides specific Characteristics that allow you to express yourself in your work. Your BG5™ Success Code defines the Functions that provide your most consistent strengths.
Shadows/DistractionsWhat are the aspects of the business world that take you off track, that distract you and waste your energy and time? Your BG5™ Success Code details the areas where you’re not designed to place your focus – areas that are better left alone or left for others to manage. Your Shadows/Distractions, however, are also aspects of life that are very interesting, if not fascinating, for you. There are lessons for you in these areas of Distraction, where ultimately you can develop practical wisdom.
Public RoleHow do others view you? One of the primary aspects of your BG5™ Success Code, along with your Career Type, is the way in which others relate to you. You have a perfect role that you are here to express, and when you do, you manifest your purpose in the world.
Life WorkWhat are you here to contribute to the world? When you empower your skills and talents in the world, you manifest your life purpose. The overall theme of your purpose, and the unique contribution you are here to make, has signposts that help you align to your true career path. We’ll show you the map, but only you can discover where that path will take you.
General Thematics, Strengths and Contributions, Traits and QualitiesWhat is the totality of you? Your gifts represent a unique composite of Strengths, Contributions, Traits and Qualities that only you can bring to the world. The detailed map of your BG5™ Success Code allows you to fully integrate, understand and utilize the synergy of talents that you bring to any enterprise.
Large Business and Group StrengthsDo you belong in large groups or are you better suited to smaller enterprises? The BG5™ Success Code also provides solutions for businesses and groups with more than 5 people. Are you part of the potential for that sought after mix of satisfied, creative, loyal and enthusiastic individuals that sustain a successful large business or organization?
SummaryThe world around us is changing in so many ways, and outdated methods of working in that world can’t serve us. The science of BG5™ provides practical tools that allow individuals and businesses to grow and evolve in this new world, and we hope, to make the world a better place for us all to live.
To experience your BG5™ Success Code you can run a free sample report, schedule a BG5™ Career Design Analysis or Overview, or BG5™ Business Analysis Consultation. Visit our BG5™ Consultants page for a full listing of Certified BG5™ Consultants worldwide. If you have additional questions, please send an email to To learn how to offer these services to your clients visit the Training area of our website.
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