The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve. Organizing the formula for expression. Visually fixed on the pattern and projecting it into the future.
Trait 25 < Trait 17 > Trait 21
Purpose fulfilled through Mind
This Trait is part of the Strength of Organization, linking Conceptualization (Trait 17) to Communication & Action in the Throat (Trait 62). Trait 17 is part of the Collective Understanding (Logic) Circuit with the keynote of sharing.
Trait 17 looks for one concept or opinion among many that we can all trust - one that will survive both testing and criticism, and calm our fears about the future. Trait 17 is designed to structure an answer into a concept, a workable pattern or a possible solution in preparation for Trait 62's substantiating details. Up to this point in the logic process, our mind has taken a doubt about the future, formulated a potential solution, and now feels pressured to express it as an opinion. What it needs next is Trait 62's ability to translate the concept into language, to support it with facts and details, and present it to the public for their examination and analysis.
Our right eye takes in the world at a glance, seeing it as a collection of recognizable, visual patterns. If a pattern or an opinion cannot stand up to logic's scrutiny, it will be or should be rejected. Unfortunately, we cannot always translate our visual image or what we understand about it, into language. Without Trait 62, we will find ourselves looking for a name to represent our concepts, for facts to support our opinions, and for an effective means to communicate our suggestions. Mental anxiety for us arises out of the fear that no one will understand and value our input.
Elevation: The successful achievement of purpose through proper alignment. The possibility to develop opinions through relationships.
Challenge: An overactive discrimination that leaves one virtually alone. The possibility of being opinionated at the expense of relationships.
The Theme of the Day reflects the neutrino influence on humanity as we move through the Traits and Qualities of the yearly cycle. These daily themes are potentials that you can witness in others and the world around you, and, if correct for you, as you follow your individual Decision-Making Strategy, may become a part of your experience as well.
These themes and qualities may also be found in your personal Career Design. Following the BG5 Live Theme of the Day is a great way understand deeper aspects of ourselves and others.
Want to learn more about the traits and qualities within your own Career Design and that of others?
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