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Theme of the Day: Trait 57.5 - Listening to your quiet voice or not today

Trait 57 - The Gentle

Trait of Intuitive Insight - Penetrate to the Core in the Now

The extraordinary power of clarity. Like a chill breeze that can touch you to the bone. The maximization of intuitive clarity demands existential attention.

Trait 48 < Trait 57 > Trait 32

Life Work Theme of: The Clarion

Purpose fulfilled through Bonding

This Trait is part of the Strength of Spontaneity or the Brain Wave, A Design of Awareness, linking the the Survival Instinct (Trait 57) with Communication & Action in the Throat (Trait 20). Trait 57 is part of the Individual (Knowing) Circuit with the keynote of empowerment. This Trait is also a part of the Strength of Power linking the Survival Instinct (Trait 57) with the Energy Resource (Trait 34). Trait 57 is also a part of the Integration Circuitry with the keynote of self-empowerment. This Trait is part of the Strength of Perfected Form, A Design of Survival, linking the Survival Instinct (Trait 57) with Identity & Direction (Trait 10). Trait 57 is also part of the Integration Channel with the keynote of self-empowerment.

With its clarity of intuitive insight, Trait 57 has the capacity to penetrate to one's core in the now. We have a deep inner attunement to sound that is constantly alert to the vibrations coming from our physical, emotional and psychic environments. Moment by moment our intuition registers a sense of what is safe, healthy and good for us, and what is not. Trait 57 is the trait of the right ear. If we want to hear what someone is really saying to us, listen with our intuitively attuned right ear. We must be alert and focused in the now to hear the messages from our intuition, or the information we are getting for survival may be ignored. We may sometimes appear deaf to others, or be accused of selectively hearing what they have to say, but our intuition is our only guide in determining what the perfect behavior is that will ensure our well-being. The only way we will alleviate our fears for the future is to pay close attention to our instinctual hunches, to that little voice that only speaks once and softly, and act on these hunches immediately.

When we are listening and paying attention to our intuition now, there is no tomorrow to fear.

Quality 5 - Progression

Elevation: The natural ability to establish new forms while maintaining the powers of reevaluation and reexamination. This provides the clarity to examine the data and assess the process. The possible intuitive gift for evaluation.

Challenge: The tendency to keep on keeping on, that can end up as a misguided missile. When in action, the intuition may become overwhelmed and unable to assess and evaluate its progress.

The Theme of the Day reflects the neutrino influence on humanity as we move through the Traits and Qualities of the yearly cycle. These daily themes are potentials that you can witness in others and the world around you, and, if correct for you, as you follow your individual Decision-Making Strategy, may become a part of your experience as well.

These themes and qualities may also be found in your personal Career Design. Following the BG5 Live Theme of the Day is a great way understand deeper aspects of ourselves and others.

Want to learn more about the traits and qualities within your own Career Design and that of others?

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