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Theme of the Day: Trait 31.3 - Quality over quantity is key today

Trait 31 - Influence

Trait of Influence - I Lead

The law of friction, whether active or passive, that engenders transference and thus influence. The natural expression of leadership.

Trait 56 < Trait 31 > Trait 33

Life Work Theme of: The Unexpected

Purpose fulfilled through Form

This Trait is part of the Strength of Leadership for 'Good' or 'Bad' , linking Communication (Trait 31) to Identity (Trait 7). Trait 31 is part of the Collective Understanding (Logic) Circuit with the keynote of sharing.

Trait 31 is designed to be influential. Collective leadership is collegial, not hierarchical. It provides the vision for a new direction and shows others how to achieve it, rather than doing it for them. The 31st Trait manifests its potential for verbal influence through election. When money is the energy used to move a person into a position of power, instead of the cooperative will of the people, the Collective's overall ability to ensure humanity's future is easily perverted. Our voice through the 31st Trait, "I lead," is not heard until backed by the energy of the majority. The people are the ones who must act on what our voice says.

The influence of our vision for society will not be transferred or felt without the Collective's energy moving it into the public realm. Our leadership must take into account the desires of our followers, and address the good of the whole. 'I lead' means influencing others, for good or for ill, by effectively transferring our vision for a new and test-worthy pattern to them to carry out. Without the presence of Trait 7, we may seem like just an empty voice.

Quality 3 - Selectivity

Elevation: The ability to carefully assess and choose the proper influence and to tailor one's behaviour accordingly. The capacity to lead enhanced through association with the proper influences.

Challenge: Qualitative selectivity with the risk of a runaway enthusiasm that may lead to humiliation. The drive to lead that will accept any follower and the risks.

The Theme of the Day reflects the neutrino influence on humanity as we move through the Traits and Qualities of the yearly cycle. These daily themes are potentials that you can witness in others and the world around you, and, if correct for you, as you follow your individual Decision-Making Strategy, may become a part of your experience as well.

These themes and qualities may also be found in your personal Career Design. Following the BG5 Live Theme of the Day is a great way understand deeper aspects of ourselves and others.

Want to learn more about the traits and qualities within your own Career Design and that of others?

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