BG5 Business Institute
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Theme of the Day: Trait 23.5 - Courage to express your knowing, or not, is key

Trait 23 - Splitting Apart

Trait of Assimilation - The Elimination of Intolerance

Amorality. The awareness and understanding which leads to the acceptance of diversity. A unique insight opens the door to mutation.

Trait 2 < Trait 23 > Trait 8

Life Work Theme of: Dedication

Purpose fulfilled through Form

This Trait is part of the Channel of Efficiency, The Design of Individuality (Genius to Freak), linking Communication in the Throat (Trait 23) to Conceptualization (Trait 43). Trait 23 is part of the Individual (Knowing) Circuit with the keynote of empowerment.

Trait 23 is where inspiration as inner knowing is finally translated into language. Its amorality, acceptance of diversity, and ability to cut through mental intolerance opens the way for mutation to take hold in the world. Expression through the Trait of Assimilation initiates us into new ways of thinking. Trait 23's unique voice can finally say, "I know." What we know, or don't know, will always attract the attention of others, but can also keep us on the outside looking in. Insights that are potentially different and transformative require that we communicate their essence clearly. If our unique perspective is truly to be of value to others, we must wait for the right timing to speak, and explain it in a simple and accessible way. If we don't, we will be dismissed as a freak.

It is also important that we speak only what we truly know. Over time, our genius will be recognized and we will earn the respect of others. Without Trait 43's conceptualizing, we may experience mental anxiety as we realize that we don't know exactly what it is we know, leaving ourselves open to misunderstanding and dismissal.

Quality 5 - Assimilation
The practical acceptance of the values of another path.

Elevation: Expansion and contribution through assimilation. The gift of communicating individual insight to the collective.

Challenge: Motive driven assimilation from an inferior position, i.e. for protection or nourishment. Motive driven assimilation for acceptance and protection from the collective.

The Theme of the Day reflects the neutrino influence on humanity as we move through the Traits and Qualities of the yearly cycle. These daily themes are potentials that you can witness in others and the world around you, and, if correct for you, as you follow your individual Decision-Making Strategy, may become a part of your experience as well.

These themes and qualities may also be found in your personal Career Design. Following the BG5 Live Theme of the Day is a great way understand deeper aspects of ourselves and others.

Want to learn more about the traits and qualities within your own Career Design and that of others?

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